
Songs2See Editor

Turn your favorite songs  into sheet music

The Songs2See Editor includes advanced algorithms that allow you to turn your favorite audio files into sheet music. Starting from audio files in any of the supported formats, you can easily modify the notes found by the automatic transcription.

  • Trascription of the melody and bass (monophonic)
  • Beat, chord and key recognition
  • Score view and tablature
  • Plenty functionalities to edit and transform the transcription
  • Import and export of music scores in MIDI and MusicXML formats
  • Extract backing tracks for Karaoke from your favorite songs

Songs2See Game

Learn to play by playing

The Songs2See Game is the ideal practice companion when learning a musical instrument. The app gives you real-time feedback on your performance,  and includes many features to make it easier and more fun to play your instrument.

  • Ten musical instruments supported
  • All you need is your instrument and a simple microphone
  • Automatic fingerings displayed for all instruments
  • The tempo and key of all songs can be modified
  • Tablature available for the guitar, bass, ukulele, violin and viola
  • More than 60 practice songs included with different difficulty levels

Learn more about Songs2See with our tutorials!